
Age: 35
Location: New York
Occupation: Social Worker
Total Debt: $140,000
Student Debt: $120,000
Credit Card Debt: $20,000

Tina is a single mom in New York struggling to weather the storms cresting the horizon of her life. Parenting alone is difficult in the best of circumstances, but add to that the difficulty in raising a mildly autistic daughter paired with mounting pressure of $140,000 of debt. The money Tina owes is a brutal combination gathered from student loans, weight-loss surgery, her daughter’s therapies, a self-admitted online shopping addiction, as well as the cost of her divorce, which helped her put a toxic relationship behind her. Despite the shadows cast by her debt, Tina strives towards a brighter future not only for herself and her daughter but also those around her as she works as both a high school social worker and a weight loss counselor. While Tina struggles to improve the lives of others, she hopes the team from Going From Broke can provide her with a little shelter from the gale as she moves forward.